Crush Fetish

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Mistress Jennifer was angry at her slave because he was a poor cook. She wanted him to change and she knew he would only change and learn to cook better if she showed him the consequences of not doing so. She crushed some cucumbers with her bare feet and she destroyed it and created a mess in the process. When she was done, she told him he would be next if he did not change.

Goddess Yasemin wanted to dominate her man. But she knew she had no margin for error so she practiced on a teddy bear and waited until she perfected what she did in order to dominate her man. She was doing it to teach him a lesson because he was too proud and he did not like to be corrected. She knew once she humiliated him, he would learn his lesson and change.

Mistress Cassandra is a control freak and she likes being in control at all times. She does not like to feel like she is not control of any situation and at all times. Her slave did not follow her instructions and that made her feel like she was not in control. She had to control the situation and she did it cruelly by crushing him and making him learn from the pain.

Madame Marissa had a lot of leftover chocolates from the holiday season. She did not need them anymore and so she decided to throw them away. But since she did not have much on her plate, she chose to have a little fun with them as she threw them away. She switched from throwing them away to crushing them for fun, which she did using her boots. It was a lot more fun than she had thought possible.

Lady B gets upset easily. And when she does, she has to destroy something for her to feel better. That is why she keeps toys in her house. She does not want to crush and torture a human being when a toy can suffice. When she came home from the office in a bad mood, she went straight to where she keeps her toys and she took out a trainset which she crushed and destroyed to calm down. She crushed it with her heels and finished it using her industrial shredder.

Lady Shay had lost her job so she had a lot of time on her hands. She even started noticing things she had never noticed before in her house. She found a doll in her house and since she did not have any use for it, she used it to try crush fetish which she had been meaning to try for a long time. She ass crushed it and had fun destroying it.

This mistress could not understand what her boyfriend's obsession with chocolate Santas was. She had tried her best to tolerate them but he just could not stop buying them. So she crushed them and she destroyed them to get rid of them faster. He took it as a sign that she loved them too and ate them a lot so he kept buying and she kept crushing. She did not want to break his heart by telling him she did not like them.

When these girls were offended by some boys in their neighborhood, they went to confront them in their favorite hideout. But the cowards saw them coming and they ran away. They, however, left behind their musical instruments and toys. The mistresses crushed them and they destroyed them. They did not spare any of them and the guys had to learn a cruel and expensive lesson that the mistresses were not to be messed with.

Madame Marissa was so mad at her son that she had to do something drastic. She took his toys because she knew how much he loved them and she destroyed them. She made sure none of them survived her crushing. She crushed them in front of him and told him that was his punishment. He tried to beg her to forgive him and spare the toys but she ignored him.

Lady B went to the woods for a walk. She reached a point she abandoned her car and she went ahead on foot. She wanted her feet and her boots to gather as much mud as they could. When she felt it was enough, she went back and she asked her slave to lick her muddy and dirty boots. He did not have a choice but to do as she wanted.

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