Crush Fetish

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This mistress knew that she was being watched but she pretended like she did not. Her aim was to use her ass to tease the guys but then deny them as she would pretend she did not do it for them. She wore a thong and let it show through her jeans. Then she took a doll and she crushed it with her ass while letting them enjoy a front row seat to all the action. Once she was sure they were turned on, she got up and left.

Lady Stefanie caught her slave wanting to eat a burger and she did not like it because he had done something wrong and yet he wanted to continue enjoying his burger. The mistress took the burger from him and she crushed it with her boots. She also got her friend to do the same and then they gave the slave the burger to eat. That was going to be his punishment.

Mistress Anfisa loves new technology. Whenever she has an item that is outdated, she buys the newer version and she does away with the old one. She had a camera but it was small and old and she had bought a new version of it. The mistress had a more powerful camera in the new one and she saw no need for the old one so she crushed and destroyed it.

This mistress is used to crushing things and people. But today she wanted to crush food that was a bit tough and not like the ones she usually crushes. She is used to crushing food that is easy to do and today she wanted one which was not as easy. So she took a pineapple and she crushed it for her own fun and enjoyment. She liked the fact that it took a little long to fully destroy it.

Mistress Christin was going through her things when she saw her ex's old stereo and it brought back bad memories that she had never wanted to remember again. She was so angry when she saw it that she took out her anger on it. She crushed it with her boots and within a few minutes, there was nothing left of it other than pieces of plastic all over the floor.

Mistress Sophia was pissed when her boyfriend did not show up for their picnic. They had agreed to a picnic by the lake and she was already there bright and early. She had even taken time to make some food and buy some drinks. But he did not show up and she was pissed. She crushed the food and trampled everything out of anger. He was lucky he was not there in that instant because she would have done the same to him.

Mistress Jennifer was angry at her slave because he was a poor cook. She wanted him to change and she knew he would only change and learn to cook better if she showed him the consequences of not doing so. She crushed some cucumbers with her bare feet and she destroyed it and created a mess in the process. When she was done, she told him he would be next if he did not change.

Mistress Cassandra is a control freak and she likes being in control at all times. She does not like to feel like she is not control of any situation and at all times. Her slave did not follow her instructions and that made her feel like she was not in control. She had to control the situation and she did it cruelly by crushing him and making him learn from the pain.

Madame Svea was angry at her slave but she did not punish him. She took out her anger on an empty egg tray. She destroyed it to pieces and she made sure he watched what she had done. She warned him that she would do the same to him if he did not do what she had asked him to do. The slave learned his lesson and never pissed her off again.

Mistress Christin and lady B have a passion for crushing things. And today they collected many toy cars and toy trucks which they happily crushed using their boots. Crushing all those toys was bliss to them and they did not do or want to be anywhere else during that time. The mistresses loved creating a mess knowing that a slave would clean up all the mess when they were done.

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