Crush Fetish

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Lady B loves to go shopping for toys. People assume she is buying them for her children but she does not have any children. She buys them for herself but not to play with them. Lady B does it so that she can have fun crushing them and destroying them. Today she bought toy trains and she did not waste time crushing and destroying them with her high heel boots.

Lady B has a thing for crushing dolls. It is something she enjoys doing all the time and today was no exception. She took out this doll she had bought and she crushed it. She destroyed it and ensured there was nothing left of it. She did not mind the hot sun as she stomped on them. She had a job to do and she did it as best as she could.

This mistress hates strawberries. She found that her slave had bought them and she took them out in anger and she crushed them using her high heels. She made sure she had created a mess for her slave to come and clean up. She wanted to use the mess to send a message that she did not want any strawberries in her house even if they were not meant for her consumption.

Madame Marissa was in a bad mood when she got home. She was so mad and she knew that she had to take out her anger on something or else she would take it out on someone who did not deserve it. She crushed these toy cars she had in the house. She used her high heels to do it and soon enough, her anger subsided and she felt better.

This mistress felt like crushing. But she did not have a slave or a loser to crush and humiliate. So she decided to do it to a balloon. She inflated it and she sat on it with her nice ass. She did it first in her jeans and subsequently in her thong. She enjoyed doing it on a stool and on the floor. It was not a lot of fun but it helped her kill some time.

Madame Marissa found these toys in her house and she was not happy about it. She knew the neighbor's kids were playing a prank on her again knowing that she hated dolls and toys. She usually sent them back or threw them to their house. But today she did not do so. She crushed them using her high heels and she threw the remains in the trash for them to pick. They never pranked her again.

Lady B did not like the food that her slave had packed for her as she was going for her picnic. She took it and threw it on the ground when she realized what she had. She was already at the picnic site so she could not go back. It was also muddy and she was wearing her gumboots. She used them to crush the food and destroy it totally.

Madame Marissa is one mistress who likes to crush. But she does not crush things which do not have value. Today she wanted to try crushing and destroying money. She took some notes from her pocket and she stuck them on the soles of her sneakers. She then drove her car and when she parked, she got out and she crushed the notes as she walked on the sidewalk and destroyed them in the process.

Mistress Christin and her frend Lady B wanted to crush cars. They did not want to crush the big toys because they had crushed a lot of those. Instead, they chose to crush the tiny ones. They bought many and placed them on the stairs and they had fun going up and down the stairs crushing them. They crushed and destroyed them and it was more fun than crushing the big ones.

While other people have drinking and smoking parties, madame Marissa and her friend madame Madison have crush parties. They enjoy crushing different things on such days and today, they were crushing toys. They bought lots of toy cars and they crushed them using high heel boots. The room was full of the toy cars and the mistresses created a huge mess with then they were done crushing and destroying the toys.

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