Crush Fetish

Hot girls satisfy your crush fetish needs

Madame Marissa was in a bad mood when she got home. She was so mad and she knew that she had to take out her anger on something or else she would take it out on someone who did not deserve it. She crushed these toy cars she had in the house. She used her high heels to do it and soon enough, her anger subsided and she felt better.

Lady B had no use for this small black and white television. She had a new and advanced one and she did not care about the old one. So she destroyed it. She crushed it with her boots and she made sure there was nothing remaining of it. She only stopped crushing and stomping when she had completely destroyed it and she had created a mess on the floor of the house.

Madame Svea loves to crush. It is one of the things she enjoys doing all the time. She loves to teach guys a cruel lesson with her feet and that is what she did today to this guy. She crushed some cake with her boots. She made sure she created a disgusting paste and then she made her slave eat it. He had no choice but to eat it like he was ordered.

Madame Marissa caught her husband watching porn on his laptop and she was mad. She took the laptop out of his hands and she crushed it and she destroyed it. She had found him masturbating and she knew he was doing it because of his porn. She did not want to be compared to pornstars so she crushed and destroyed the laptop in anger and to teach him a lesson.

When it comes to punishing losers, this mistress is one of the best. She knows what to do to slaves and she also customizes her punishments to make sure they learn their lesson. For this loser, she crushed grapes in a bucket and she made him eat the crushed grapes and she also made him lick her bare feet. He learned his lesson the hard way and he never messed up again.

This BBW mistress was so mad when she came home from work. Someone had pissed her at work and she wanted to beat him and crush him badly but she could not. So instead of him, she crushed these clementines instead. She stepped on them and she squeezed every juice out of them and she felt better when she was done crushing them. She just assumed it was the guy who had pissed her.

Mistress Christin and her friend Lady B like to crush and create destruction. Nothing makes them happier. That is why today as they were bored, they decided to put on their boots and proceed to pumpkins. They crushed the ones which had gone bad. They destroyed them for fun and had a great time doing it. They did not notice time fly as they crushed the rotten pumpkins in the farm.

Princess Serena does not like plastic cups. She wondered why her slave had bought them and she realized he liked them because they would be used and discarded and he did not have to clean them. He was doing it out of laziness. She took out all of them and she crushed them and destroyed them. She used her boots to do it and then made him throw them away.

Madame Marissa was angry that her slave wasted a lot of time playing with toys. She could not understand why a grown man like him still had to play with toys. She did not want him getting distracted again so she used her high heels to crush his toys. She made sure every last one of them was destroyed before she made him clean up the mess she had created.

Mistress Christin did not like the fruits and vegetables in her fridge because she had bought them a long time ago and she did not want to eat them. She blamed her slave for not cooking them or preparing them for eating earlier. She crushed them using her boots and she made her slave eat them from both the floor as well as from the soles of her boots. He had no alternative.

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