Crush Fetish

Hot girls satisfy your crush fetish needs

Mistress Trinity and mistress Samara wanted to crush this eggplant for fun and they also did it to pass a message. The mistresses felt that this guy was not going to do things the way they wanted and as a result they had to show him what would happen in the event that he did not fulfill their wishes and their desires. He was made to watch everything they did.

Mistress Nyx was bored and she had to find a way to pass time. That is why she used her bare feet to crush various types of food. She had a great time as she did it but she created a mess at the same time. She still had time to spare so she used it to clean up after herself. It worked out the way she wanted it to.

This slave complained of hunger to this mistress and she felt pity and wanted to help him. But she had also planned to try crush fetish. So she combined the two and she forced him to eat the food she had crushed with her sneakers. He was soo hungry that he had to eat the food despite the fact that it was dirty. He only complained after he was full.

This mistress had a lot on her mind and she wanted to walk in a quiet environment to clear her mind. So she went to the woods. She walked and it felt therapeutic. But beyond that, the sound of the leaves she crushed in the forest gave her a sound which instead of scaring her or pissing her off, was actually helpful in keeping her mind occupied than thinking about her issues.

Mistress Amber got Mozart balls from her boyfriend and there were so many of them and he knew she could not eat all of them. So she waited until he had left and she used them to have fun. She crushed them for fun and she enjoyed how they felt on her feet as she crushed them. When she was done, she invited a loser and she made him lick them off her feet.

Lady Phoenix was angered and outraged by what she had seen this guy do and she felt that it was up to her to do something about it. But she knew that since she had never said anything about it, it was important for her to express outrage so that the guy would be scared of ever messing with her and would fear her as well. So she crushed bananas as he watched and warned him that he would face a similar treatment if he did not change.

This guy thought that mistress Frankie was a harmless person but he realized she was not. He regretted what he had done as the mistress went out of her way to trample and crush the hell out of him. He was in a lot of pain as she used heels to trample him but the mistress did not seem to care about what he felt and did not show signs of slowing down.

Mistress Marie felt that this food was bland and yet she had looked forward to it for a long time. She could not believe that she had wasted her time waiting for such food. So she threw it on the floor and she crushed it as her slave, who had cooked it, watched. She told him that was the feedback he needed from her on how good or bad his food was.

Mistress Nyx knew that she could not make a huge mess if she stomped on and crushed stuffed toys. She felt they were better than crushing toy cars and other items that could easily break. So she took her time crushing stuffed animals. And it was a lot of fun and she even did it with her bare feet. And she did not make any mess at the end of it all.

Lady Victoria could not believe that her husband had squandered the money they had saved. She had trusted him with it but he had betrayed her trust and she could not forgive him. So she trampled his hands with her high heels in the parking lot and she made sure that he understood he was to get another job and save up that money as quickly as possible. She did not care how many hours he worked to make it happen.

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